Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Happy Hour of the Week (Feb 25 - Mar 2)

Click Here to Find a Happy Hour!

Dave & Buster's - Times Square in New York City

D&B - Times Square NYC
Ph# 646-495-2015
234 West 42nd Street
New York , NY 10036

Monday thru Friday 4:30pm – 7:30pm
Happy Hour
½ Price Beer, Wine, and Cocktails! They have an extensive menu but most items are ½ half during this time.

Monday thru Friday 4:30pm – 7:00pm
Power Hour
Power Hour is the only time of day when you can play an entire hour of video games for just $10!

Check out the Eay and Play combo below! You get an Entree plus a $10 game card for $15.99 OR an Entree plus a $20 game card for $23.99! These two great deals are available Sunday thru Thursday, Open to Close, and Friday & Saturdays until 5pm

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Drinking games - Bottle (or Buzz) - Do you know your 7's?

This is a drinking game that we've been playing a lot recently, especially while we pre-game before going out to the bar/club. It seems real simple but it's tougher than you think. Like all drinking games, it's a way to compete, have fun, and get drunk with a group of friends. There are different variations but I'll explain the easy way.


Have your group of friends sit around in a circle. One person in the group starts by saying the number "1". The next person (the person sitting to the left or right, choose an initial direction) says "2", then the next person says "3", and so on and so forth. When someone gets to the number "7", that's when the fun begins. Whenever you get to the number "7" or a multiple of "7" (ex. 7,14,21,28,35, etc) or any number that has a "7" in it (ex. 17, 27, 37, etc.), that person must say Bottle (or Buzz, that's what we've been calling it) Some people call the game Buzz, some call it Bottle. Anyways, whenever someone says Buzz when they're supposed to on a "7" number, then you switch directions. That means if your group was counting in a clockwise direction, then you switch to counter-clockwise after Buzz is said.


If you mess up, then you drink. This game is a fast moving game so if someone stalls and takes a couple seconds to think about whether to say a number or say buzz, then that counts as a mess up and you drink. If you say Bottle or Buzz when you're not supposed to, then you drink. If you go out of order, you drink. How much you drink depends on how drunk you want everyone to get. Some people play when you mess up, then you have to finish your drink. Some people play when you mess up, you have to take a shot. I guess it depends how hard your group is. Also, when anyone in your group messes up, you let that person drink and then start over at number "1" again.


When and IF your group gets up to the numbers, 70-79, you basically have a duel between two people since the order is constantly being switched back and forth. The two people should say Bottle or Buzz 5 times each since 70-79 all have the number 7. It rarely gets that high because people aren't that good at counting that high without messing up and most people are pretty drunk and there's always someone in the group that messes up before that point.

The highest I've ever seen it go was 146. My friend messed up on 147. He said "147" instead of "Buzz". It was a great game but I guess all good things must come to an end.

This game is really fun especially if someone in your group is not good at counting because that person will most likely mess up the most and thus, drink the most. A person who isn't very good at counting usually gets smashed pretty quickly. And obviously, as you get more drunk, the game gets more difficult.



It's the same rules as I explained above but some people play an advanced game that involves the numbers "7" AND "11". This means all multiples of 7 and 11 AND any number with a 7 in it are Buzz numbers. This makes it much more difficult and people just mess up way too much and get drunk in a matter of minutes.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Favorite Drinking Games: Cirlce of Death

Circle of Death

All you need is a deck of cards, a cup and a ton of beer. Lay all the cards out, face down in a circle, with the cup in the middle. Start with one person drawing a card out of the deck, and continue pulling until all the cards are gone, your choice. The person must do something corresponding to the card they pulled as follows:

1-6 - If it’s red, you must drink. If it’s black, give out that many drinks times two (ex. Black 5 give out 10 drinks)
7 - Ladies drink
8 - Gentlemen drink
9 - Rhyme: pick a word and start going around the circle rhyming with it. The first to pause, repeat a word or say something that doesn't rhyme must drink.
10 - Ahead: the person to your left must drink.
Jack - Back: the person to your right must drink.
Queen - Category: pick something general like beer types, and start going around the circle, same rules as rhyming. The first to pause, repeat or screw up must drink.
King - The first three people to pull kings may pour as much beer into the cup in the middle as he or she wants. The person to pull the forth king must drink everything in the cup.
Ace - Waterfall: whoever pulls the card designates which way the waterfall is going (to the right or left). Everyone starts drinking at the same time, when the person who pulls the card stops, whichever way the waterfall is going you must stop drinking in that order.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy Hour of the Week: 2/18 - 2/24

Click Here to Find a Happy Hour!

79 Poplar Street
Atlanta, GA - Georgia 30303

Happy Hour
$9.00 Coors Light Pitchers
$4.00 Shots of Jager and Tuaca
$12.00 Buckets of Bud and Bud Light!

Happy Hour
$9.00 Coors Light Pitchers
$4.00 Shots of Jager and Tuaca
$12.00 Buckets of Bud and Bud Light!

Happy Hour
$9.00 Coors Light Pitchers
$4.00 Shots of Jager and Tuaca
$12.00 Buckets of Bud and Bud Light!

Happy Hour
$9.00 Coors Light Pitchers
$4.00 Shots of Jager and Tuaca
$12.00 Buckets of Bud and Bud Light!

Happy Hour
$9.00 Coors Light Pitchers
$4.00 Shots of Jager and Tuaca
$12.00 Buckets of Bud and Bud Light!

Happy Hour
$9.00 Coors Light Pitchers
$4.00 Shots of Jager and Tuaca
$12.00 Buckets of Bud and Bud Light!

Happy Hour
$9.00 Coors Light Pitchers
$4.00 Shots of Jager and Tuaca
$12.00 Buckets of Bud and Bud Light!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Click Here to Find a Happy Hour!

It has been a long time since the last update of Happy Hour Watch. This does not mean we have not been working! We have been working really hard on creating a site that is more user friendly than the previous site. We hope the current site will be up within the next few weeks. Data will be continually added, but there should be a good amount of information available at launch.

Have a great day and Happy Hour
-HHW Team